Uncategorized Congratulations Seniors for Mike Lee – 2023 Pollie Award Winners

Congratulations Seniors for Mike Lee – 2023 Pollie Award Winners

The Pollies, sometimes referred to as the Oscars of Political Advertising, are among the most distinguished awards in the industry.

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Happy 4th of July! 🎆 Happy 4th of July! 🎆 

Happy 4th of July to all of our readers. We hope you enjoy celebrating the day that commemorates the birth of our wonderful country.

Last week was a busy week back in Washington. Among other controversial decisions, the Supreme Court struck down President Biden’s student loan forgiveness efforts. That decision was a victory for Senator Lee and his policies and was applauded by Lee. What a great way to celebrate the 4th, as the fireworks of the effort of executive overreach has burned out.

“Today’s decision,” Lee said in an official statement last Friday, “is a clear victory over executive overreach, affirming that President Biden’s student loan scheme was fundamentally unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has lifted a 400 billion dollar burden off the shoulders of the hardworking Americans who diligently paid off their student loan obligations or decided to forego higher education.”

His stance on this issue reflects a principle that Senator Lee has referenced again and again with regard to federal spending.

“The American people want a balanced budget. They want Congress to stop this barbaric practice of perpetual deficit spending. It really, if you think about it, is a form of taxation without representation. We fought a war over that issue and we won that war.”

Mike Lee should run for president. He’s right on the money. Thank you for visiting! Please visit us again on July 15 for more updates.

Happy Birthday, Janet Lee Chamberlain!Happy Birthday, Janet Lee Chamberlain!

Happy Birthday tomorrow, Janet Lee Chamberlain.

Behind every great man is a great mother. Senator Mike Lee’s mother, Janet Lee Chamberlain is one of the great ones.

Janet supported her husband, Rex, who would become famous in his service as United States Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division, Solicitor General of the United States, and President of Brigham Young University. Not only did Janet accompany him on many of his adventures and assignments, but she successfully raised their seven children during these years.

In her speeches while serving BYU, she explained that she prioritized teaching her children the value of hard work and overcoming obstacles.

Her sons, Mike and Thomas would become public figures in their own right. Thomas became a Justice on the Utah Supreme Court for twelve years. Senator Mike Lee, currently in his third term in the U.S. Senate is one of the nation’s foremost experts about the Constitution.

Both sons were also on President Donald Trump’s short list to serve on the United States Supreme Court, Mike in 2018 and Thomas in 2020. A Fox News reporter once credited Janet for that success because of the way she “raised her boys.”

“…The hand that rocks the cradle, is the hand that rules the world.”William Ross Wallace

Because of Janet Lee Chamberlain’s considerable hand in Mike Lee’s life, we would be in good hands with him as our PRESIDENT. Thank you Janet, for your contributions to America.

On Senator Lee’s Facebook Page, he made a touching tribute to his mother: “I’m grateful for my mom, who’s consistent example has always made me want to be more kind, patient, forgiving, and considerate.”

Thank you Senator Lee for your example. You seem to have the proper attitude about your mother.

Mike Lee should run for president. He’s right on the money.

Thank you for visiting! Please visit us again on Veteran’s Day, Saturday, November 11, for our next update.

Reflections on Pearl Harbor DayReflections on Pearl Harbor Day

Thank you Senator Lee for your push for government accountability concerning how they manage tax payer money, arms, and most importantly, the lives of our soldiers in recent wars.

Today is the 82nd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. We honor the memory of those that gave the ultimate sacrifice on this day.

We also take the opportunity to reflect on our current conflicts. Senator Mike Lee has shared his views on how these conflicts are being mishandled, and as mentioned in previous posts (https://mikeleeforuspresident.com/columbus-day-updates-on-a-busy-week-for-senator-lee), has introduced the “Define the Mission Act” to increase government accountability when engaging in war.

Senator Lee does not seem anti-war. He states on his website, “Providing for the common defense is one of the federal government’s primary constitutional obligations.  Both the President and Congress have significant responsibilities in this area to set the policies that keep our country safe.”

He continues, “Broadly, we must evaluate our most pressing national security goals and put forth the appropriate resources necessary to achieve those objectives. And where we commit resources, especially with regard to putting our men and women in harm’s way, we must have a clear national security interest, a well-articulated purpose, an understanding of the potential costs involved, and a responsible plan for success.”  https://www.lee.senate.gov/national-defense

With that said, we perceive one current trend Senator Lee finds disturbing: the wasting of American resources, whether it be tax payer dollars, equipment and supplies, or American lives. He denounces this government waste, especially in “endless wars”:

“Ukraine is officially America’s new endless war.”

“The deep state’s memory is short and rose-tinted. The Biden administration employs the same rhetoric and tactics that the Bush and Obama administrations used to conduct indefinite military engagement in Afghanistan and Iraq, not to mention undeclared intervention in Libya, Syria, and beyond. With billions flowing from the U.S. to the Ukrainian government in ‘economic support,’ long-term security guarantees, and the reconstruction effort already underway, we can’t help but feel a sense of deja vu.”

“The United States is heading down the same path that mired us in Middle Eastern conflicts for over two decades, all without clearly articulating the objective or how victory is achieved.” https://www.lee.senate.gov/2023/10/ukraine-is-officially-america-s-new-forever-war-president-biden-how-does-this-end

We feel it is important to defend democracy and its ideals worldwide. However, it is also important to ensure that our own country remains strong, with sufficient resources both for its military and its people. In our opinion, Lee is simply asking for accountability, goals, and oversight when utilizing our resources in war.

Mike Lee should run for president. He’s right on the money.

Thank you for visiting! Please visit us again on Saturday December 23, for our next update.