Uncategorized Columbus Day Updates on a Busy Week for Senator Lee

Columbus Day Updates on a Busy Week for Senator Lee

Thank you Senator Lee for speaking up about the speakership. Along with you, we wish Rep. Jim Jordan success in the race for Speaker of the House.

In honor of Columbus Day we thought we would nickname the three waterfronts that Mike Lee is battling after Christopher Columbus’s three famous ships.

#1 The Nina – The Define the Mission Act

According to Senator Lee, the United States has already given $113 billion in support to Ukraine with $24 more billion requested. Senator Lee, along with others are asking the White House to give an accountability on the following before being granted more aid:

  • A clear definition of the U.S. national interests at stake.
  • An estimation of the resources required, including U.S. personnel, materials, and funding.
  • A forecast of security assistance to be received from NATO allies within the upcoming year.
  • A thorough assessment of the impact of Russia’s dominance in the European natural gas market on concluding the conflict in Ukraine.
  • Furthermore, the proposed strategy cannot be contingent on the U.S. providing funds for Ukrainian reconstruction.


#2 The Pinta – Repeal the FACE Act

The FACE Act allows for government interference to peaceful protests outside abortion facilities. Senator Lee has correctly identified that this act is being abused and interfering with the freedom of speech rights granted by the Constitution. Of the bill, Senator Lee said, “Our Constitution reserved general police power to the states. Congress infringed on the states’ police power when they passed the FACE Act. The Biden DOJ has weaponized this constitutionally suspect law against pro-life sidewalk counselors while failing to protect pregnancy centers and churches from violent attacks. It’s time to repeal the FACE Act.”


#3 The Santa Maria – Protecting Our Kids from Harmful Research Act

On October 5th, Senator Mike Lee introduced the Protecting Our Kids from Harmful Research Act, a bill prohibiting federal funding of gender transition research on minors.  Medical interventions to transition gender are experimental, irreversible, and often fail to produce the intended effects of improving patients’ mental health.  This bill would prohibit federal funding from being used in research or publications that seek to establish or affirm gender identities that are incongruent with a minor’s biological sex.


Mike Lee should run for president. He’s right on the money.

Thank you for visiting! Please visit us again on Saturday, October 21 for our next update.

Related Post

Joseph Smith’s Run for PresidencyJoseph Smith’s Run for Presidency

Thank you Senator Lee for your diligent focus on the Constitution during the recent political decisions surrounding the election. Senator Lee has voiced strong concerns on his Twitter page regarding the state of Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to not allow Donald Trump on the ballot.

December 23 is the birthday of Joseph Smith, the first president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In his day, he dealt with frustrating political issues as well. With the saints facing intense persecution in Missouri, and even having an extermination order put on their lives, Joseph Smith arranged a meeting with U.S. President Martin Van Buren to address the persecution. President Van Buren told them their cause was just, but said that he could not help them or he would lose the vote of Missouri.

Frustrated, Joseph Smith wrote the five leading candidates for U.S. President in the 1844 election. Only three provided replies, but all said basically they could offer no help for the saints, even if they became President. At the urging of John Taylor and B.H. Roberts, two members of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles, Joseph entered the race as a presidential candidate.

John Taylor led the press efforts in Joseph’s campaign and told those campaigning: “Tell the people who would be the best man, and the most able statesman; who could stand uncorrupted by bribes, and uninfluenced by power, other than the power of justice, and the cause of right; tell them where they can find a man of morality, purity, and virtue; tell them where they can find a man of sterling integrity, who is governed by the principles of righteousness; a patriot and a philanthrophist, who has both the disposition and moral fortitude to administer justice, and whose delight it would be to administer to the wants of the nation; to “break of[f] every yoke and to let the oppressed go free.” Use all of your own influence, and get the brethren, in every part to use theirs also. Recollect, for President, GENERAL JOSEPH SMITH.[50]

Joseph loved the saints, the country, and the freedoms granted by the Constitution. When he was considering running he wrote the following in his journal:

“It is one of the first principles of my life, and one that I have cultivated from my childhood, having been taught it of my father, to allow everyone the liberty of conscience. I am the greatest advocate of the Constitution of the United States there is on the earth. (Joseph Smith, Journal, 15 Oct. 1843, JS Collection, Church History Library)

It was ultimately his assassination and martyrdom that would end his campaign. However, his legacy remains as he has encouraged us to seek out candidates with strong moral character and a love of freedom. That’s why we are encouraging the candidacy of Senator Mike Lee. Not only does he espouse these virtues, but he is right on the money.

Mike Lee should run for president. He’s right on the money.

Thank you for visiting! Please visit us again on Thursday January 4, Utah Statehood Day, for our next update.

And, of course…