Uncategorized Thoughts on Mike Lee’s Labor on Labor Day

Thoughts on Mike Lee’s Labor on Labor Day

On this Labor Day we want to thank you, Senator Mike Lee, for working so hard to keep government spending down.

Even though its been said that 2/3 of the money in government spending bills is mandatory, Mike Lee does not take that final1/3 for granted. He works diligently to try to make sure that each dollar spent is either for the benefit of the people or it is not spent at all. He is a champion against wasteful spending.

It’s not just we seniors who have noticed. Over the weekend, The National Taxpayers Union awarded Senator Lee as the most “taxpayer friendly representative in congress” He received a 95% score and an “A” grade, the highest of any member of Congress.

According to their website, this is how their grading system works:

“The Taxpayer Score can range between zero and 100. We do not expect anyone to score a 100, nor has any legislator ever scored a perfect 100—without missing a single vote—in the decades-long history of the comprehensive NTU scoring system. A high score does not mean that the member of Congress was opposed to all spending or all programs. High-scoring members have indicated that they would vote for many programs if the amount of spending were lower or if the spending were offset by cuts elsewhere in the budget. Indeed, a member who still wants to increase spending on some programs can achieve a high score if he or she votes for offsetting cuts. A zero score would indicate that the member of Congress approved every spending increase and opposed every pro-taxpayer reform.”

See the report card for every member of congress at: https://www.ntu.org/ratecongress/

Thank you Senator Lee, for taking such care over the taxpayer’s dollars, and we congratulate you on your recognition.

Mike Lee should run for president. He’s right on the money.

Thank you for visiting and have a happy Labor Day! Please visit us again on Saturday, September 16, for a special celebration of the birthday of our Constitution on September 17.

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Thank You for the JourneyThank You for the Journey

In mid 2022, our small team launched SeniorsForMikeLee.com. We noticed that seniors were not being strongly considered in the Utah Senatorial campaigns, and wanted to give the seniors of Utah a voice during that election. We interviewed and posted the thoughts of many seniors. They weren’t are words, they were yours. And they were effective.

Not only did Senator Lee handily win his campaign, but our team was recognized with a 2023 Pollie Award for our print ads, which is like receiving an Oscar in the world of political advertising.

During this election cycle, where, in our opinions, many of the candidates did not match our values and expectations, we put forward Senator Lee in a new campaign called Mike Lee for U.S. president. It has been our honor to see that we have many loyal readers, and thank you for your visits.

Recently, the glue of our team and the director of our project passed away from complications with cancer. We were planning on winding down this project as we got closer to Election day, but this heartbreaking loss to our team means that this will be our last post.

We selected Senator Lee because he is fearless in standing for correct values and believes that the Constitution was inspired document and is still the foundation of our country. We invite each of you to likewise be fearless in standing for those things that you believe and that will help America stay strong in its Constitutional roots.

So again, thank you for joining us. All the best.

Utah Statehood DayUtah Statehood Day

Thank you Senator Lee for your good representation of Utah and its values.

Today is the 128th anniversary of Utah becoming a state. According to Utah.gov, “From his White House office, President Grover Cleveland, on Saturday, 4 January 1896, issued the proclamation admitting Utah to the Union as the forty-fifth state. Two days later, 6 January 1896, the newly elected officers of the state of Utah were inaugurated, and celebrations erupted throughout the new state.”

The Lee’s have served our wonderful state for multiple generations, with Rex Lee serving as the 10th president of Brigham Young University and his sons, Thomas serving as a Utah Supreme Court Justice from 2010-2022 and Mike serving as a Senator from 2010 to the present.

The state of Utah and its citizens have made many contributions to the United States and continue to do so.

In the past month, Senator Lee has been involved in many significant bills being presented to the Senate, including:

  • Introducing the DEFUND Act, which ends unlimited taxpayer contributions to the United Nations, and proposes the U.S. departure from the U.N. because of their lack of fiscal responsibility and violations against sovereign United States allies. (See the bill here)
  • Introducing the ACE act, which gives parents more education options for their children that don’t like the ideological influences available to their students. Click here to see the bill.
  • Creating the Protect American Gun Exporter Act, which fires back against the Biden Adminstration’s recent oppressive laws against American gun exporters. Click here to learn more.

Thank you Senator Lee for defending the values and right of the citizens of our great state.

Mike Lee should run for president. He’s right on the money.

Thank you for visiting! Please visit us again Saturday January 13, for our next update.

Joseph Smith’s Run for PresidencyJoseph Smith’s Run for Presidency

Thank you Senator Lee for your diligent focus on the Constitution during the recent political decisions surrounding the election. Senator Lee has voiced strong concerns on his Twitter page regarding the state of Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to not allow Donald Trump on the ballot.

December 23 is the birthday of Joseph Smith, the first president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In his day, he dealt with frustrating political issues as well. With the saints facing intense persecution in Missouri, and even having an extermination order put on their lives, Joseph Smith arranged a meeting with U.S. President Martin Van Buren to address the persecution. President Van Buren told them their cause was just, but said that he could not help them or he would lose the vote of Missouri.

Frustrated, Joseph Smith wrote the five leading candidates for U.S. President in the 1844 election. Only three provided replies, but all said basically they could offer no help for the saints, even if they became President. At the urging of John Taylor and B.H. Roberts, two members of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles, Joseph entered the race as a presidential candidate.

John Taylor led the press efforts in Joseph’s campaign and told those campaigning: “Tell the people who would be the best man, and the most able statesman; who could stand uncorrupted by bribes, and uninfluenced by power, other than the power of justice, and the cause of right; tell them where they can find a man of morality, purity, and virtue; tell them where they can find a man of sterling integrity, who is governed by the principles of righteousness; a patriot and a philanthrophist, who has both the disposition and moral fortitude to administer justice, and whose delight it would be to administer to the wants of the nation; to “break of[f] every yoke and to let the oppressed go free.” Use all of your own influence, and get the brethren, in every part to use theirs also. Recollect, for President, GENERAL JOSEPH SMITH.[50]

Joseph loved the saints, the country, and the freedoms granted by the Constitution. When he was considering running he wrote the following in his journal:

“It is one of the first principles of my life, and one that I have cultivated from my childhood, having been taught it of my father, to allow everyone the liberty of conscience. I am the greatest advocate of the Constitution of the United States there is on the earth. (Joseph Smith, Journal, 15 Oct. 1843, JS Collection, Church History Library)

It was ultimately his assassination and martyrdom that would end his campaign. However, his legacy remains as he has encouraged us to seek out candidates with strong moral character and a love of freedom. That’s why we are encouraging the candidacy of Senator Mike Lee. Not only does he espouse these virtues, but he is right on the money.

Mike Lee should run for president. He’s right on the money.

Thank you for visiting! Please visit us again on Thursday January 4, Utah Statehood Day, for our next update.

And, of course…