Day: June 10, 2023

The Debt-Ceiling Deal is Not a Republican Victory According to LeeThe Debt-Ceiling Deal is Not a Republican Victory According to Lee

It looks like President Joe Biden and the democrats won the recent debt deal “in the fine print”, according to Senator Mike Lee.

“[The Republicans are] still claiming victory. This is not a victory. This is capitulation,” he said in an interview with The Hill.

In the same article, he warns that the Fiscal Responsibility Act could potentially add $4 trillion dollars to the national debt before the government will need to discuss further funding in January of 2025.

This act also gives President Biden and Shalanda Young, Director of the United States Office of Management and Budget. Those are spending powers they should not have.

Like we’ve said, Mike Lee should run for president. Thank you for visiting! Please visit us on June 17 for another update.